1. In what capacity did you interact with Maternity Services? Please selectPatientPartner of patientFamily member of patientOther healthcare professional 2. Which department(s) or service(s) would you like to provide feedback on? Please selectAssisted Reproduction UnitAntenatal Clinic (Hospital)Community Midwife TeamGPLabour WardSCBUMaternity WardHealth VisitorGynaecology DepartmentBreast feeding supportOther 3. When does your feedback relate to? Please select202120202019Before 2019 4. What is your ethnicity? Please selectWhite - BritishWhite - IrishWhite - PolishWhite - PortugueseWhite - OtherAsian or Asian British - IndianAsian or Asian British - PakistaniAsian or Asian British - BangladeshiAsian or Asian British - Any other Asian backgroundMixed - White and Black CaribbeanMixed - White and black AfricanMixed - White and AsianMixed - Any other mixed backgroundBlack or Black British - CaribbeanBlack or Black British - AfricanBlack or Black British - Any other black backgroundChineseAny other Ethnic GroupI do not wish to disclose my ethnic origin 5. What is your gender? Please selectMaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to say 6. How old are you? Please select17 or younger18-2021-2930-3940-4950-5960 or older 7. What is your marital status? Please selectSingle, never marriedMarried or domestic partnershipDivorcedSeparatedWidowed 8. What is your household income? Please selectLess than £10,000£10,000 to £19,999£20,000 to £29,999£30,000 to £39,999£40,000 to £49,999£50,000 to £59,999£60,000 to £69,999£70,000 to £79,999£80,000 to £89,999£90,000 to £99,999£100,000 to £149,999£150,000 or more 9. Is English your first language? Please selectYesNo 10. Please tell us about your experience with maternity services in Jersey. 11. What was good about your experience? 12. What could have been done differently to improve your experience? Δ